New Banner Tips That Can Help

Tips that can help you quit

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Whether you choose an immediate quit or a gradual reduction in smoking, with or without nicotine replacement therapy, we want to help you succeed and support you along the way. Here are a few tips you can try.

List all the reasons you want to quit

For most people it's a mixture of reasons such as getting healthier, having more cash, and not forever smelling of smoke. It's a good idea to make a list and put it somewhere visible (like on your fridge or PC monitor), where it will motivate you every day.

Write down your quit goal

Putting your goal in writing makes it more concrete. Kept anywhere from the back of your loo door to a place in your purse or wallet, your written pledge will remind you to commit yourself to quitting.

Tell people about your quit plans

This is a powerful way to remind yourself about all the good reasons for stopping. Sharing your plans can help you through cravings and other moments when you’re tempted to light up. Remember, it's easier to quit with support.

Find a Quit Mate

Knowing someone else who's trying to quit at the same time as you can be really encouraging, and for many the competitive element helps too. If they're not a smoker, your Quit Mate could be quitting their own 'addiction' such as chocolate, gambling or social media. So, you'll be able to compare experiences and urge each other on.

Get other friends to help

Your friends and family will be delighted that you're giving up smoking, so ask them to give you support and encouragement along the way. 

Choose a definite start date

After a holiday or a particularly busy work period works for some people. Having a firm quit or start reducing date helps you mentally prepare for the challenge ahead.

Avoid smoking triggers

Making a note of the times, places and reasons that trigger your desire to smoke can help you change your patterns, and avoid circumstances when you used to just reach for a cigarette without even thinking about it.

Fill the gap

People miss the tactile nature of smoking, so finding something else to occupy your hands can be helpful. A creative hobby, more exercise or even a fidget spinner could all do the trick. 

Feel good for feeling better

The immediate physical improvement you'll experience when you quit is a great motivator. Just remind yourself how puffed you used to get climbing stairs and it'll also remind you how good it feels to be an ex-smoker.

Push through any hiccups

If you do have a cigarette, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, celebrate all the cravings you have got through successfully, and the cigarettes you didn’t smoke. This should help give you the positive energy to get back on track.

Reward yourself

You've really earned the money you've saved by not smoking. So put the cash aside and reward your effort with a holiday (perhaps doing something outdoorsy using your healthier lungs?) or a special treat or a catch-up with friends. Remember, you deserve it. 

Get help with those cravings

Nicotine replacement therapy products can help you control your craving; and studies have shown that using them doubles your chances of quitting successfully when compared with going cold turkey.  

The reality is, we can give you all the support we can, but only you can make yourself give up smoking. So, whether it's an immediate quit or a gradual reduction, with or without nicotine replacement therapy, it's important to find the way that works best for you.

Good luck!